Importer Resources

Welcome to the Alto Customhouse Brokerage importer resources portal. In this useful resource we have supplied a wealth of information and links to help your business with its importing needs and requirements.

Alto Customhouse Brokers is ready to take the complexity out of importing so you can focus on your business.

Alto Document Library

Power of Attorney. A power of attorney is the authorization given to the broker to process the customs clearance of your shipment. All customs brokers are required to have a valid Customs power of attorney on file prior to transacting any Customs business on the behalf of the importer of record. This instrument allows the broker to transact Customs business only.

ISF Worksheet. ISF stands for Importer Security Filing. As of January 26, 2009, all importers in the United States must notify US Customs and Border Protection of any ocean freight coming into the US. This rule was put into practice so that the Department of Homeland Security would have knowledge of all foreign imports shipping out by ocean freight, 24 hours prior to the event. This rule was put into place to protect the US from acts of terrorism.

Customs Bond

Each Importer who is required by law, regulation, or specific instruction to post a bond to secure a customs transaction must submit a bond on Customs Form 301. Customs bonds have a third party to the contract, called a surety, who agrees to pay the beneficiary a liquidated sum if the conditions of the bond are not met by the principal.


Every article of foreign origin entering the United States must be legibly marked with the English name of the country of origin. In addition to this information, certain products are subject to additional labeling requirements.


All Imports require a commercial invoice with the proper description of the merchandise and its value, packing list, and copy of the AWB or BILL OF LADING.